Yard Sale Planner Fillable Printable | Yard Sale Template | Yard Sale Flyer | Yard Sale Signs | Digital Download | By Life's Lists


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The Life's Lists Complete Yard Sale Planner and Printables provides you with all the signage and planning tools you will need to have a successful yard sale in one bundle.

This digital download is 38 pages of printable templates, tip sheets, signs and instructions to create your everything you need for yard sale. Upon purchase you will receive two PDFs, one printable and one digitally fillable. The PDFs can be printed on any size paper. Choose your paper size and be sure to check off "Fit to Printing Area" on your settings. You can use it in a full size binder or a planner.

• This system helps you start with a declutter plan, provides you with labels to sort your household items before you decide what you will sell.
• Once you have identified your sale items you can use the guide to help plan the next steps.
• Use the expense tracker and task list to figure out your budget and steps. Use the yard sale checklist, supply list and tip sheet to quickly identify additional supplies and resources you may need.
• Print the price tags and use the yard sale pricing guide to prepare your items for the big day.
• The checkout checklist and signs helps you set-up how you will collect money.
• Use the detailed category/department signs to create your display tables or shelves.
• Yard signs are provided to help direct people to your sale, designate parking zones and advertise the sale with a flyer.

This printable bundle will help guide you through the yard sale process from start to finish to save you time and make you money.

You will receive 2 printable PDFs (one editable and one regular PDF) of the following:

1. Cover Page
2. Declutter Plan
3. Areas to Declutter
4. Donate Labels
5. Donation Tracker
6. Sell Labels
7. Repair Labels
8. Recycle Labels
9. Trash Labels
10. Keep Labels
11. Plan A Yard Sale Guide
12. Expense Tracker
13. Task List
14. Yard Sale Checklist
15. Yard Sale Tips
16. Supply List
17. Price Tags
18. Yard Sale Pricing Guide
19. Checkout Checklist
20. Checkout Signs
21. Category/Department Signs
22. Category/Department Signs
23. Category/Department Signs
24. Category/Department Signs
25. Category/Department Signs
26. Category/Department Signs
27. Category/Department Signs
28. Category/Department Signs
29. Category/Department Signs
30. Category/Department Signs
31. Category/Department Signs
32. Right Arrow Yard Sale Sign
33. Left Arrow Yard Sale Sign
34. Straight Arrow Yard Sale Sign (landscape)
35. Straight Arrow Yard Sale Sign (portrait)
36. Park Here Sign
37. No Parking Sign
38. Yard Sale Flyer
We offer even more great systems to organize your paper:

Life Binder- Household Binder: 60+ editable pages to organize your most important household and personal information.


Instant Filing System: Tabs and instruction cards on what to keep and what to purge for every file category you will need to create a filing system for your home.

Instant Tickler File System: Printable tabs for creating your own tickler file system, by subject, days, month, A-Z tabs and a quick portable file system.


Have a look at my other pintables for organizing at: https://www.etsy.com/shop/LifesLists

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  • Accepts Etsy gift cards

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This will be a huge help! Thank you!

I haven't used this yet, but it looks like it will be a great asset for a future yard sale, thank you

Sponsored my neighborhood yard sale and used this as part of their yard sale kit… so impressed

Very helpful for a first time yard sale. Great quality and guidance.

Great quality and easy to access

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